For professionals from across the world to freely exchange ideas to address major concerns and solutions through best practices with emphasis on vision
realisation, project delivery and benefit realisation. Today’s dynamic unpredictable and disruptive Volatile-Uncertain-Complex-Ambiguous (VUCA) world
requires a global understanding and convergence of the cyberspace, the physical space and bio space given the context of fourth industrial revolution in
thinking amongst stakeholders.
Broadly speaking Vision Realisation covers three aspects. The first aspect is project creation. This implies the front end of aligning stakeholders with governance and in-built transparency acting as a common denominator across the entire cycle of VR. This aspect plays a major role in realising the project’s visualised benefits.

Project Creation
In a generic sense, there are three broad aspects to Vision Realisation (VR). The rst aspect of VR is in project creation implying the front end of aligning stakeholders with governance and in-built transparency acting as a common denominator across the entire cycle of VR. Project creation is driven either in anticipation of, or due to, compulsions of change focussing
on 'Why' and 'Why Not' aspects. This front end or macro aspects of project management i.e. project creation is the master key for success of vision realisation. Obviously, this phase of project creation has a major impact on achieving both tangible and intangible benets as initially visualised.

Project Delivery
Is to meet the expectations out of the creation of a project. Expectations are multi-dimensional in nature covering parameters such as time, cost, quality, stakeholder satisfaction, least impact on environment and sustainability. The project delivery should become joyous instead of painful experience. Project delivery results in to operations.

Benefits Achieved
Is the ultimate outcome of vision realisation. It is important to compare the visualised benefits to achieved benefits. The success of undertaking of a project or a set of projects would ultimately be based on how narrow is the difference visualised and achieved benefits. We need to be agile in understanding the unpredictable factors and in dynamically recalibrating the benefits visualised at the time of project creation.